Frost lab publishes paper in Nature NeurosciencePostdoctoral fellow Wenyan Sun finds that pathogenic tau promotes neurodegeneration by activating transposable elements.
Adrian Beckmann wins first place at student daysCongratulations to Adrian on winning first place at the Cell Biology, Genetics and Molecular Medicine Student Research Day for his oral...
Qualifying Exams - double whammy!Congratulations to Simon Levy and Gabbe Zuniga - back-to-back passing of qualifying exams!
Welcome to Elizabeth Ochoa Thomas!Elizabeth has joined the Frost lab for her dissertation research! Elizabeth, we are excited to have you and your excellent oral...
Dr. Cornelison/Frost lab featured on AlzforumGarrett Cornelison's abstract was selected for an oral presentation at the Society for Neuroscience meeting. Alzforum has featured his...
Welcome to Gabbe Zuniga!We extend our warmest welcome to Gabbe Zuniga, who has joined the lab as an M.D./Ph.D. student! Gabbe's undergraduate research was...
William and Ella Owens Medical Research Foundation Grant Awarded to the Frost LaboratoryThe Frost laboratory has received support from the William and Ella Owens Medical Research Foundation to study the role of transposable...
Dr. Cornelison appointed to T32 training grantWell done, Garrett! Your training begins with lunges in the grassy area outside. Go.
Welcome to Simon Levy!We are pleased to welcome first year graduate student Simon Levy to the lab! Simon hails from Switzerland, birthplace of Einstein. We...